Ahad , 23 Feb 2025, 10:03 WIB
Tiga Bank Himbara Pastikan Dana Nasabah Aman, Imbau Masyarakat tidak Terpancing
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tiga bank yang tergabung dalam Himpunan Bank Milik Negara (Himbara) menegaskan stabilitas dan keamanan simpanan masyarakat tetap terjaga. Pernyataan tersebut muncul karena beredar ajakan di media sosial...
Jumat , 08 Nov 2024, 14:00 WIB
Cancel Inaugurated Yesterday, Prabowo Calls for More Prudent Establishment of Danantara
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Presidential Communications Office Hasan Nasbi said that the President requested the launch of the Investment Management Agency (BPI) Daya Anagata Nusantara (Danantara) went through a careful process. President Prabowo briefly alluded to the government's idea of consolidating all the country's wealth assets through BPI Danantara while giving directions at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of...
Jumat , 08 Nov 2024, 07:33 WIB
Batal Diresmikan Kemarin, Prabowo Minta Pembentukan Danantara Lebih Prudent
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Kepala Kantor Komunikasi Kepresidenan Hasan Nasbi mengatakan...