Jumat , 03 Sep 2021, 10:47 WIB
Laba Perusahaan Tumbuh 14 Persen, Dongkrak Harga Saham SMBR
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA - Emiten semen PT Semen Baturaja (SMBR) mencatatkan kinerja apik sepanjang semester I-2021. Meski masih dihantui pandemi Covid-19, realisasi penjualan SMBR justru tumbuh sebesar 14% dibandingkan dengan periode...
Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 15:52 WIB
Selection of civil servant candidates 2014 prone to be interfered
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Selection of civil servant candidates (CPNS) in 2014 was held more tightly through computerized test. Even so, this process has not been free from some interests. Government must increase transparency during examination process. Expert from Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Siti Zuhro said that computerized system was not necessarily free from intervention. "To get good civil servants also...
Sabtu , 02 Nov 2013, 23:27 WIB
Soal tes CPNS OKU Dijaga Ketat Aparat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATURAJA -- Sekitar 50 kotak soal tes calon...