Jumat , 11 Jan 2019, 13:53 WIB
Menpar: 20 Juta Wisman akan Kunjungi Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Menteri Pariwisata (Menpar) Arief Yahya optimistis Indonesia akan dikunjungi 20 juta wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) tahun ini sebagaimana target yang telah ditetapkan. Ia sangat optimistis target tersebut...
Kamis , 03 Aug 2017, 22:56 WIB
Kapuas Hulu to hold border tourism festival
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KAPUAS HULU -- The Tourism Office of Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province, will hold the border tourism festival that will promote traditional arts, culinary, and musical show to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of Indonesia. "The committee will invite a famous singer from Jakarta and hold an art and culinary festival," the Head of Creative Economy and Tourism Promotion...
Senin , 09 Jan 2017, 16:24 WIB
Jewita Sambas Bantu Promosikan Border Tourism
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- Komunitas Peduli Wisata di Kalimantan Barat...