Sabtu , 30 Dec 2017, 17:22 WIB
Thousands Visitors Expected to Attend 'Borobudur Nite 2017'

Rabu , 19 Jul 2017, 21:17 WIB
Ministers inaugurate Borobudur tourism authority agency

Jumat , 21 Oct 2016, 22:30 WIB
South Korean minister admires Borobudur Temple
Rabu , 05 Oct 2016, 19:24 WIB
Queen Sirikit of Thailand will visit Borobudur temple

Ahad , 07 Aug 2016, 03:18 WIB
Ukrainian President visits Borobudur Temple

Ahad , 23 Feb 2014, 14:41 WIB
Borobudur temple expected to be fully opened soon

Jumat , 09 Aug 2013, 00:20 WIB
Tourists flock to Borobudur and Prambanan during Eid holidays

Selasa , 09 Jul 2013, 01:07 WIB
Research: Lombok is more popular than Hawaii

Rabu , 15 May 2013, 20:41 WIB
Maria Sharapova visits Borobudur

Sabtu , 11 May 2013, 23:32 WIB
The morning charm at Punthuk Setumbu hill

Jumat , 19 Apr 2013, 22:46 WIB
Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs visits Borobudur

Rabu , 21 Nov 2012, 17:44 WIB