Sabtu , 22 May 2021, 12:39 WIB
Mahasiswa HMTK Universitas BSI Adakan Pelatihan Networking

Senin , 10 May 2021, 07:52 WIB
Ormawa UBSI Kampus Purwokerto Laksanakan Ramadhan Berbagi

Kamis , 01 Apr 2021, 15:42 WIB
Universitas BSI Purwokerto dalam Ragam Prestasi

Selasa , 18 Oct 2016, 11:39 WIB
BSI Purwokerto Gelar Seminar ‘The Safety of Communication Hacking with Network Security’

Selasa , 27 Sep 2016, 21:20 WIB
Basket Putri BSI Purwokerto Raih Juara Dua Sudirman Cup 2016

Jumat , 03 Jun 2016, 22:35 WIB