Kamis , 07 Feb 2019, 09:12 WIB
Sopir Bus Kramat Djati Ditetapkan Tersangka
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOREANG -- Polres Bandung menetapkan sopir bus Kramat Djati jurusan Wonogiri-Bandung, Asep sebagai tersangka, Rabu dini hari (6/2). Bus Kramat Jati terguling di Jalan Bypass Cicalengka, Kabupaten Bandung....
Rabu , 06 Feb 2019, 17:27 WIB
Two killed in Kramat Djati bus accident in West Java
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT -- A bus overturned on the Cicalengka bypass road in Bandung District, West Java, early Wednesday, killing two people. The bus "Kramat Djati," bearing police number D 7591 AF, overturned and stopped under the Cicalengka flyover, Chief of traffic unit of the Bandung District Police Adjunct Commissioner Hasby Ristama stated.Based on the preliminary result of the investigation,...