Rabu , 09 Jan 2019, 14:56 WIB
Jokowi calls on public to pray for ustaz Arifin Ilham

Rabu , 09 Jan 2019, 03:45 WIB
Bogor Police to investigate hoax about KH Arifin Ilham

Selasa , 08 Jan 2019, 23:05 WIB
Ustaz Arifin Ilham is getting better: Kiai Muhyiddin

Selasa , 07 Jun 2016, 19:32 WIB
Biden announces US project to promote cancer data sharing

Kamis , 18 Feb 2016, 09:41 WIB
Britain sees rising number of cancer cases

Selasa , 22 Dec 2015, 16:17 WIB
Japan and the US use immunotherapy for cancer treatment

Kamis , 03 Dec 2015, 18:52 WIB
Warsito’s research license on cancer treatment device revoked by government

Kamis , 03 Dec 2015, 18:50 WIB
Netizens create online petition to support Warsito

Kamis , 03 Dec 2015, 18:48 WIB
Warsito's research already proven by credible research institutions

Kamis , 03 Dec 2015, 18:46 WIB
Minister of Health gives explanation related to Warsito's license revocation

Kamis , 03 Dec 2015, 18:41 WIB
Warsito research on cancer device forcefully stopped by government

Senin , 26 Oct 2015, 12:12 WIB
Lifestyle changes increase risk of breast cancer
FDA: Doctors should not use laparoscopic power morcellators
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TRENTON -- US regulators on Monday strengthened their warning against use of a once-popular device for gynecologic surgery that can spread unsuspected cancer, saying its risk is only justified in a fraction of patients. The Food and Drug Administration updated its April safety warning, saying doctors should not use the devices, called laparoscopic power morcellators, for performing a hysterectomy...

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 23:16 WIB
Cancer deaths rise to 8.2 million, breast cancer sharply up

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 15:31 WIB
Smoking after cancer diagnostic ups death risk

Rabu , 23 Jan 2013, 18:16 WIB
Indonesian fashion designer Ramli passes away

Ahad , 23 Dec 2012, 00:45 WIB
26,000 Indonesian women suffer cervical cancer

Rabu , 29 Feb 2012, 17:14 WIB