Kamis , 27 Nov 2014, 20:01 WIB
Ahok plans to use Jakarta's budget to help other provinces

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 14:21 WIB
Wow... Ahok cuts govt budget on cake and tea

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 06:05 WIB
Ahok to build Jakarta by 'imitating' Singapore

Selasa , 25 Nov 2014, 01:45 WIB
Flood threatens Jakarta

Jumat , 21 Nov 2014, 16:36 WIB
FPI to stage massive protest to topple Ahok

Jumat , 21 Nov 2014, 15:00 WIB
Jakarta's governor builds ties with Beijing

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 20:27 WIB
Ahok finally inaugurated as Jakarta Governor

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 17:15 WIB
President to inaugurate Ahok as Jakarta Governor on Wednesday

Senin , 17 Nov 2014, 22:22 WIB
Jokowi to install Ahok as Governor of Jakarta

Jumat , 14 Nov 2014, 22:23 WIB
An Islamic leader supports Ahok as governor of Jakarta

Jumat , 14 Nov 2014, 20:49 WIB
Ahok has not officially become Jakarta governor yet

Senin , 10 Nov 2014, 23:48 WIB
Jakarta purchases new TransJakarta buses

Temperatur in Jakarta almost hits extreme level on Monday
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The temperature in and around Jakarta during daylight hours on Monday hit 35 degrees Celsius, only two degrees away from the "extreme" level, according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). "However, the temperature today was lower than it was on Sunday when it had hit 36 degrees Celsius," the head of the agency's extreme weather...

Senin , 06 Oct 2014, 22:42 WIB
Jokowi lauds political views of fractions in Jakarta's legislative council

Rabu , 17 Sep 2014, 16:54 WIB
Jakarta-Rotterdam strengthen ties for integrated water management

Senin , 15 Sep 2014, 17:21 WIB
Gerindra does not require Ahok's approval on vice governor candidate

Selasa , 09 Sep 2014, 07:20 WIB
Watch out... Jakarta begins towing illegally parked vehicles

Jumat , 25 Jul 2014, 23:58 WIB
Jakarta to build toll road worth 42 trillion IDR

Ahad , 22 Jun 2014, 18:33 WIB
Jokowi attends Jakarta's 487th anniversary celebration

Kamis , 24 Apr 2014, 22:25 WIB