Ahad , 27 Nov 2022, 11:26 WIB
Charity Banteng Ride and Night Run 2022, Salurkan Bantuan untuk Guru dan Siswa
Rabu , 20 May 2020, 14:23 WIB
Acara Amal Ramadhan Bareng BAZNAS Kumpulkan Donasi Covid-19
Rabu , 10 Jul 2019, 05:15 WIB
Berniat Baik Menyumbangkan Buku di Australia Malah Kena Denda Jutaan Rupiah
Jumat , 14 Jul 2017, 16:21 WIB
Charity Uzoechina Memeluk Islam Murni dari Hati
Kamis , 23 Feb 2017, 10:13 WIB
Bantu Rakyat Aceh, Qatar akan Bangun RS di Pidie Jaya
Rabu , 23 Jul 2014, 16:32 WIB
President pays 20.7 million IDR income-based alms
Selasa , 08 Jul 2014, 09:46 WIB
Leading charity slams 'atrophy' in humanitarian aid system
Selasa , 24 Sep 2013, 23:29 WIB
Muslims should have bank of waqf
Selasa , 06 Aug 2013, 20:19 WIB
Some youth organizations provide sahur meal for poor people
Sabtu , 04 May 2013, 22:48 WIB
Zakat institution to enhance the potential of charity in Islam
Ahad , 06 Jan 2013, 23:00 WIB
Minister to imitate Turkey's zakat institution
Kamis , 29 Nov 2012, 08:38 WIB
Botol dan Sepeda untuk Amal
A foreign researcher interested in Indonesia's Zakat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A researcher from University of London, Dr Kostas Retsikas, is interested in analyzing the concept of zakat in Indonesia managed by Law number 23/2011 on Zakat Management. "I am interested in Indonesia because the issue of generosity becomes laws here," Kostas said after the opening of national coordination meeting of National Agency for Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) on...
Rabu , 18 Apr 2012, 19:08 WIB
Azra: Indonesian Muslims are philanthropic
Rabu , 29 Feb 2012, 21:03 WIB
A modern way to build public awareness on charity
Senin , 13 Feb 2012, 11:57 WIB
The rice alms that feeds the needy
Jumat , 10 Feb 2012, 20:04 WIB
An apartment for the orphans and the poors
Selasa , 07 Feb 2012, 19:44 WIB
Five US dollar to empower the orphans
Jumat , 03 Feb 2012, 17:56 WIB
RST, a hospital for the poor
Selasa , 31 Jan 2012, 16:29 WIB
Zakat Eases Poverty
Selasa , 24 Jan 2012, 19:42 WIB
Charity for educational projects
Jumat , 17 Dec 2010, 06:16 WIB