Indonesian government regulates zakat or charity. Yet, the real value is fewer than its potential. (illustration)

A foreign researcher interested in Indonesia's Zakat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A researcher from University of London, Dr Kostas Retsikas, is interested in analyzing the concept of zakat in Indonesia managed by Law number 23/2011 on Zakat Management. "I am interested in Indonesia because the issue of generosity becomes laws here," Kostas said after the opening of national coordination meeting of National Agency for Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) on...

Charity helps Indonesia in poverty eradication (illustration)

Rabu , 18 Apr 2012, 19:08 WIB

Azra: Indonesian Muslims are philanthropic

The management of Masjid Jogokariyan distributes rice alms to helps the needy (illustration).

Senin , 13 Feb 2012, 11:57 WIB

The rice alms that feeds the needy

The Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heriyawan (center) sits on the bed in Yatim Apartment, recently.

Jumat , 10 Feb 2012, 20:04 WIB

An apartment for the orphans and the poors

Some orphans celebrate Orphans' Day in Jakarta (illustration).

Selasa , 07 Feb 2012, 19:44 WIB

Five US dollar to empower the orphans

As many cannot afford hospital fee, RST is the answer for them (illustration).

Jumat , 03 Feb 2012, 17:56 WIB

RST, a hospital for the poor

People who live below poverty line in Jakarta increase 3.75 percent to 363,000 people in 2011, from 312.000 people a year earlier.

Selasa , 31 Jan 2012, 16:29 WIB

Zakat Eases Poverty

Charity can help opening the access to education (ilustration).

Selasa , 24 Jan 2012, 19:42 WIB

Charity for educational projects