Kamis , 08 Sep 2016, 21:09 WIB
Insane Logic In the Midst of Global Phenomenon
By: Muhammad Pizarro* The housewives were lined up neatly in the entrance hall of the building of the Constitutional Court. Like the mothers, they used bright colored clothes, wide smile....
Rabu , 07 Sep 2016, 01:58 WIB
Child prostitution ring spreads in Indonesia two big cities
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa suspected child prostitution ring existed in Surabaya (East Java) and Bandung (West Java). Her ministry has already coordinated with Indonesian police to reveal the network. "Beside in Bogor (West Java), we also find two other networks suspected as underage male gay prostitution in Surabaya and Bandung. This information has been conveyed...
Rabu , 07 Sep 2016, 00:40 WIB
Online gay dating app is used by child prostitution ring
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The network run by AR to...