Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

The Minister Asks PII Company to Commit to Handle Climate Change Problem

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked PT Guarantee Infrastructure Indonesia (PII) to commit to addressing climate change issues in the infrastructure sector. “I hope PT PII can seriously address the issue of climate change related to the use of forests, land, and energy sector,” Sri Mulyani said during PT PII's anniversary event in Jakarta, Friday (5/1/2024). Sri Mulyani...

Biomass can be a choice for renewable energy

Govt discuss synergy of energy and climate change

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesia is committed to decrease Greenhouse Gas Emission (GRK) up to 29 percent using national resources, and decrease emission up to 41 percent through international support by 2030. With target around 11 percent, energy is the main sector that holds important role in reaching Indonesia Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) after forestry sector, which holds the target of...

Pada Bonn Climate Change Conference (BCCC) tahun 2021 yang berlangsung di Bonn secara virtual selama 3 minggu sejak 31 Mei hingga 17 Juni 2021, Indonesia menyampaikan pernyataan yang diharapkan menjadi perhatian semua negara pihak untuk kesuksesan perundingan di COP 26 UNFCCC yang dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan di Glasgow pada 1-12 November 2021.

Jumat , 04 Jun 2021, 09:05 WIB

Catatan Penting Indonesia di BCCC 2021

 Wakil Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Alue Dohong, ketika menjadi panelis pada peluncuran Adaptation Action Coalition on Water Workstream yang diselenggarakan secara virtual pada Selasa (4/5) dan merupakan satellite event dari Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2021.

Ahad , 09 May 2021, 23:15 WIB

Indonesia joins Adaptation Action Coalition

Seorang pengunjuk rasa membawa poster berbentuk Mother Earth sebagai bentuk unjuk rasa atas perubahan iklim di New York, Ahad (21/9).

Senin , 12 Aug 2019, 02:42 WIB

Perubahan Iklim akan Picu Krisis Pangan Dunia

Ilustrasi cuaca panas.

Senin , 08 Oct 2018, 13:59 WIB

Bumi akan Semakin Panas