Ahad , 14 Dec 2014, 22:00 WIB
Rescuer: Two climbers go astray on Mt Merapi

Selasa , 03 Dec 2013, 06:09 WIB
Foreign visitors to Indonesia up 4.6 pct in October

Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 23:09 WIB
Kerinci post: We are restricting mountaineering and trekking activities

Sabtu , 30 Nov 2013, 18:44 WIB
Laily Prihatiningtyas, Indonesia's youngest SOE's CEO

Sabtu , 30 Nov 2013, 00:38 WIB
Things you should know before visiting India

Kamis , 28 Nov 2013, 19:35 WIB
Bali and Hawaii second, Jeju in South Korea first in visitor numbers

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 16:05 WIB
Here are six thoughts of Yudhoyono on culture and development

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 13:12 WIB
600 dancers perform at World Culture Forum

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 12:59 WIB
Morotai to have two historical museums

Senin , 25 Nov 2013, 02:09 WIB
Konawe Kepulauan Gelar Pesta Rakyat

Ahad , 24 Nov 2013, 22:13 WIB
Botanical gardens help absorb carbon emission

Ahad , 24 Nov 2013, 01:51 WIB
Sering Bepergian dengan Pesawat? Ketahui Hak Anda

10 teams of Musi Triboatton compete in Musi River
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG - Ten team of Musi Triboatton began to race down Musi River started on Tuesday. It officially opened by Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar. The teams come from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom and Ireland. They will compete from upstream to downstream of the river cross South Sumatra. There are two teams from South...

Ahad , 17 Nov 2013, 08:12 WIB
Malaysia recognized as most popular tourist destination country in Asia

Rabu , 13 Nov 2013, 04:06 WIB
Revitalizing the old city of Jakarta

Rabu , 13 Nov 2013, 03:11 WIB
Alhamdulillah, two lost climber found on Mt Semeru

Selasa , 12 Nov 2013, 04:46 WIB
Indonesia offers three destinations outside Bali for Chinese tourists

Selasa , 12 Nov 2013, 04:08 WIB
Indonesian Mandarin tourism website designed for Chinese tourists

Selasa , 29 Oct 2013, 15:29 WIB
National tourism ambassador expected to bring Islamic value in Aceh

Rabu , 23 Oct 2013, 16:36 WIB