Ahad , 26 Jun 2016, 22:38 WIB
Colombia between optismis and opposition in FARC peace treaty

Senin , 18 Jan 2016, 21:54 WIB
Colombian air assault frees 15 fishermen held by ELN

Jumat , 01 Jan 2016, 08:17 WIB
Severe drought threatens water, electricity supply in Colombia

Kamis , 19 Nov 2015, 14:44 WIB
Indonesia asked to help to overcome Colombian conflict

Sabtu , 17 Oct 2015, 16:55 WIB
Upload photos on Instagram with hashtag #KolombiaIndah, visitors can get souvenirs

Rabu , 14 Oct 2015, 11:54 WIB
Colombian embassy holds 'Official Mail' exhibition in Indonesia

Selasa , 15 Sep 2015, 08:52 WIB
Kadin: Colombia offers to export beef to Indonesia

Senin , 14 Sep 2015, 12:38 WIB
Venezuelan warplanes cross into Colombian airspace

Ahad , 30 Aug 2015, 22:35 WIB
Colombian President to visit tense border city

Rabu , 26 Aug 2015, 18:00 WIB
Colombians flee Venezuela after mass deportations

Ahad , 23 Aug 2015, 21:35 WIB
Colombia urges Venezuela to reopen border

Kamis , 13 Aug 2015, 16:05 WIB
Colombian ship joins EU counter-piracy operation

FARC free abducted Colombian soldier
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOTA -- FARC guerrillas on Sunday freed a Colombian soldier after holding him for nearly two weeks, the president said, on the eve of a unilateral rebel ceasefire.Lieutenant Cristian Moscoso "is free and in good condition," President Juan Manuel Santos wrote on Twitter, following an International Committee of the Red Cross humanitarian operation.Moscoso, 26, was abducted on July...

Rabu , 06 May 2015, 22:17 WIB
Colombia to investigate alleged child abuse by US military

Ahad , 15 Mar 2015, 14:41 WIB
Six suspected FARC fighters killed in Colombia

Rabu , 04 Mar 2015, 10:00 WIB
Colombia's FARC rebels not to accept any peace deal with jail terms

Kamis , 11 Dec 2014, 10:15 WIB
Colombia peace talks resume after FARC free general

Jumat , 04 Jul 2014, 13:34 WIB
Three soldiers killed in Colombia bombing

Rabu , 07 May 2014, 07:30 WIB
Official says spy targeted Colombia peace talks

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 08:45 WIB
Colombia rebels accuse ex-president in spying scandal

Selasa , 04 Feb 2014, 11:31 WIB
FARC urges pact on 'humanitarian' norms with Colombia

Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 06:46 WIB
Five rebels killed in Colombia

Ahad , 29 Apr 2012, 16:35 WIB
Wartawan Prancis Hilang di Kolombia

Rabu , 28 Mar 2012, 18:05 WIB
Wait another year before sugar cane seed import

Senin , 17 Oct 2011, 09:12 WIB