Selasa , 02 Jan 2024, 15:02 WIB
Prophet Muhammad Urge to Correct of the Imam During Prayer
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Prayer is an obligation for a Muslim. In fact, even prayers performed by worshippers can earn greater rewards for those who do it. Allah (swt) said: “And...
Kamis , 21 Dec 2023, 17:31 WIB
The Imam Had Not Bathed Junub, Was His Jamaah Prayer Invalid?
REPUBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Egypt's Darul Ifta or Egypt's top authority on Islamic religious fatwa recently received a question in one of its live broadcasts on its official Facebook page. The questioner said that when he became imam of congregational prayer, he remembered that he was in a state of junub, and then canceled prayers from his worshipers? The secretary of Fatwa...