Kamis , 03 Feb 2022, 19:06 WIB
Indonesia's Daily Covid-19 Cases Increase by 10,000, Omicron Transmission Proves to be Fast
Omicron of COVID-19 transmission in Indonesia is so fast.The surge in positive cases of COVID-19 occurred today, Thursday (3 February), which shows that Indonesia is climbing the ladder of...
Rabu , 02 Feb 2022, 00:00 WIB
Indonesia's Daily Covid-19 Cases Reach 16,000
Covid in Indonesia: The daily cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia on Tuesday (1 February 2022) increased to 16,021 cases.The daily cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia on Tuesday (1 February 2022) increased to 16,021 cases.The Covid-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) reported that DKI Province dominated the number of additional cases, namely 6,391 patients. Then followed by West Java Province with...