Kamis , 25 Mar 2021, 10:29 WIB
Banking Credit Restructuring is Getting Slower, OJK

Rabu , 29 Jun 2016, 22:32 WIB
Bank Indonesia revises down bank credits growth target

Jumat , 13 May 2016, 09:47 WIB
Bank Mandiri disburses RP5.8 trillion in KUR

Selasa , 26 Apr 2016, 17:55 WIB
Mandiri set to funnel out housing credit totaling Rp1 trillion

Senin , 18 Apr 2016, 23:16 WIB
Govt disburses KUR credits worth Rp31 trillion

Jumat , 25 Mar 2016, 00:02 WIB
Minister: Govt to channel Rp 100 trillion into microloans

Kamis , 18 Feb 2016, 21:33 WIB
BI: Credit may grow up to 14 pct

Kamis , 08 Oct 2015, 22:39 WIB
Govt sets Rp120 T target for smallholders' credit

Selasa , 28 Jul 2015, 21:58 WIB
BNI provides Rp3.2 trillion credit for Pupuk Indonesia

Kamis , 26 Mar 2015, 14:16 WIB
BPDs post an increase in outstanding credits

Rabu , 11 Mar 2015, 16:51 WIB
President chairs limited cabinet meeting on credit elimination

Jumat , 06 Jun 2014, 21:59 WIB
National banking's credit growth slows down

BI: Bank credit grows 26 percent
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - Bank credit grew 26 percent in April year-on-year (yoy), beating earlier estimates of 23-24 percent. Indonesian central bank (BI) deputy governor, Halim Alamsyah, said on Monday that such growth indicated that the domestic economy was doing well. "The growth is driven more by credits for working capital and investment, while consumption credits are slowing. This is healthy. It...