Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 16:07 WIB
Aman Abdurahman sentenced to death

Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 14:24 WIB
Snipers guard Aman Abdurahman's trial

Jumat , 17 Nov 2017, 16:04 WIB
21 Indonesians currently face death penalty in Sabah

Selasa , 10 Oct 2017, 22:06 WIB
Indonesian worker escapes death penalty in Malaysia

Kamis , 15 Sep 2016, 22:11 WIB
Drug agency arrests dealers carrying 18 kg of meth

Jumat , 12 Aug 2016, 07:00 WIB
Jokowi discusses Freddy Budiman's testimony with Presidential Advisory Council

Jumat , 03 Jun 2016, 22:30 WIB
Attorney General: No change in execution plan

Selasa , 03 May 2016, 18:40 WIB
Death penalty for drug communities must be continued

Kamis , 07 Apr 2016, 15:36 WIB
Texas to execute man who killed boy and drank his blood

Ahad , 17 Jan 2016, 17:46 WIB
Pakistan executed 332 after reinstating death penalty

Rabu , 30 Dec 2015, 22:43 WIB
Drug threat and the controversies of death penalty

Rabu , 25 Nov 2015, 17:38 WIB
Disabled man set for scarfflod as Pakistan nears 300th execution

Victim of human trafficking should not be criminalized
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso should not be executed if proven to be a victim of human trafficking, according to Executive Director of Migrant Care Anis Hidayah."The International Convention for Human Trafficking Crimes, or Palermo Protocol, has clearly said that a victim who is a witness should not be executed because she has to give a testimony,"...
Senin , 04 May 2015, 18:58 WIB
JK: Australia's scholarship offer is inappropriate

Jumat , 01 May 2015, 02:17 WIB
Family visits Filipina convict Veloso in Wirogunan penitentiary

Jumat , 01 May 2015, 00:46 WIB
PH Mary Jane Terus Lakukan Upaya Hukum

Kamis , 30 Apr 2015, 19:39 WIB
Death row, Indonesia should keep calm

Kamis , 30 Apr 2015, 14:00 WIB
Death sentence contra productive in attempt to save Indonesians abroad

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 18:59 WIB
Lawmaker: Delay in Mary Jane's execution to create greater pressure

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 18:45 WIB
Mary Jane vows to prove her innocent

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 17:54 WIB
Jumhur: Veloso most likely victim of human trafficking

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 17:48 WIB
AGO: Filipino President seeks postponement of Mary Jane's execution

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 17:31 WIB
VP: Australian ambassador's withdrawal will not disrupt trade relations

Rabu , 29 Apr 2015, 09:41 WIB
Eight death row convicts executed in Nusakambangan

Selasa , 28 Apr 2015, 19:06 WIB
Legislator regrets Ban Ki-moon's statement

Attorney General: Death row convicts to be executed simultaneously
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The nine drug convicts on death row will be executed at the same time and place, Attorney General HM Prasetyo stated here on Tuesday."The nine death row convicts will be executed simultaneously, and so, no one will wait or lineup" he noted here at the Presidential Palace.He affirmed that the nine convicts belong to Brazil, Nigeria,...

Senin , 20 Apr 2015, 18:42 WIB
Jokowi: We are combating narcotic drugs

Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 17:40 WIB
House lauds embassy's defense for Zaenab

Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 16:52 WIB
Govt urged to collect data on Indonesian convicts in Saudi

Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 16:21 WIB
Indonesia to execute death row convicts after AAC: Attorney General

Selasa , 31 Mar 2015, 12:34 WIB
Execution of convicts' death sentence awaits completion of legal process

Kamis , 26 Mar 2015, 20:36 WIB
Thailand toughens trafficking law with death penalty

Sabtu , 14 Mar 2015, 17:09 WIB
RI chooses not to respond to anti-death penalty calls

Kamis , 12 Mar 2015, 18:49 WIB
Drug convict Rodrigo Gularte communicates normally

Kamis , 12 Mar 2015, 18:45 WIB