Jumat , 08 May 2015, 16:46 WIB
'SBY should not become the chairman of Democrat'

Selasa , 21 Oct 2014, 16:48 WIB
Yudhoyono hopes Democratic Party to rise up

Kamis , 18 Sep 2014, 17:36 WIB
Democrat Party supports direct election system

Rabu , 23 Jul 2014, 20:28 WIB
President Yudhoyono's Democrat party ready to support new govt

Kamis , 17 Apr 2014, 17:36 WIB
Democratic Party to continue its presidential convention as planned

Kamis , 25 Apr 2013, 19:11 WIB
Only 20 percent of candidates is qualified

Jumat , 12 Apr 2013, 09:56 WIB
Democratic Party to involve public in primary election

Sabtu , 30 Mar 2013, 23:06 WIB
SBY named as new chairman of the ruling party

Kamis , 28 Mar 2013, 23:58 WIB
Democratic Party to support SBY as the new chairman

Rabu , 27 Mar 2013, 19:14 WIB
SBY supported by 'rival' to lead the ruling party

Senin , 18 Mar 2013, 17:53 WIB
Democatic Party to appoint a new chairman by acclamation

Senin , 11 Mar 2013, 22:57 WIB
Minister Wirjawan strong candidate to lead ruling party

SBY takes over Democrat Party
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - Democrat Party Advisory Board Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) officially took over the ruling party on Friday night then asked the party’s chairman, Anas Urbaningrum, to focus on his legal issue with Indonesian Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK). Yet, SBY emphasized that Urbaningrum was still the party’s chairman as well as the deputy chairman of High Council...

Sabtu , 06 Oct 2012, 21:55 WIB
The head of KPK: We systematically weakened

Sabtu , 06 Oct 2012, 21:27 WIB
Police 'clash' with Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

Kamis , 13 Sep 2012, 16:56 WIB
Hartati Murdaya detained by KPK in graft case

Jumat , 07 Sep 2012, 00:07 WIB