Kamis , 27 Aug 2015, 15:53 WIB
Roars...25 Dinosaur Mengaum dan Beterbangan di Gandaria City
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Dinosaur memang telah punah sejak miliaran tahun lalu. Namun mengenal lebih jauh tentang makhluk yang luar biasa ini tentu jadi hal yang menyenangkan. Tak terkecuali bagi...
Selasa , 21 Apr 2015, 14:29 WIB
World's largest most complete dinosaur skull for sale
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HONG KONG -- Lung Wong (The Dragon King) is the fossilized skull of a male Triceratops dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous period, approximately 65 million years ago. Over 95% complete bone, 2.8 metres long, 1.6 metres high, and 1.4 metres wide, he is the largest most complete skull of any animal that has ever walked the...