Donal Fariz

ICW asks Romli to clarify his allegation to ICW

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) asked Romli Atmasasmita to clarify the allegations related to the source of the funds received by this NGO. ICW hoped Romli would say that allegations were not true.Coordinator of Political Corruption Division of ICW, Donal Fariz, said Romli's allegations that ICW accept projects or funds from the state budget and Corruption Eradication...

Korupsi yang dilakukan aparat hukum dinilai memiliki dampak lebih berbahaya, ilustrasi

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 17:21 WIB

ICW: Korupsi di Indonesia Kini Lintas Kalangan

Peneliti ICW, Donal Fariz(kanan)

Selasa , 02 Jul 2013, 02:10 WIB

Politisi Laporkan ICW ke Polisi


Senin , 27 Feb 2012, 01:02 WIB

ICW Temukan Kejanggalan Vonis Bebas Dirut PDAM