Selasa , 08 Oct 2019, 12:46 WIB
ICW-Perludem Ingin Napi Korupsi tak Maju Pilkada

Senin , 10 Dec 2018, 05:29 WIB
ICW: Pelayanan Publik Barometer Pemberantasan Korupsi

Rabu , 18 Jul 2018, 11:23 WIB
ICW Dukung Johan Budi Terjun ke Dunia Politik

Senin , 04 Jun 2018, 05:46 WIB
ICW: Medan Kota Paling Rawan Korupsi

Rabu , 30 May 2018, 14:55 WIB
Ketua KPU Respons Jokowi Soal Hak Politik Eks Napi Korupsi

Rabu , 30 May 2018, 13:51 WIB
Peneliti ICW: Sikap Jokowi Perburuk Citra Antikorupsinya

Selasa , 08 May 2018, 08:00 WIB
ICW: Selama 13,5 Tahun, tak Ada Reformasi Tata Kelola Parpol

Ahad , 06 May 2018, 13:28 WIB
Mantan Koruptor Nyaleg, ICW: Reformasi Tata Kelola Parpol

Rabu , 04 Apr 2018, 15:48 WIB
ICW: KPU Harus Larang Parpol Usung Caleg Mantan Napi Korupsi

Sabtu , 24 Feb 2018, 00:17 WIB
ICW: UU MD3 Bukti Infrastruktur Hukum Kurang Dibangun
Kamis , 27 Oct 2016, 14:00 WIB
Donal Fariz, Peneliti Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW): PPATK Harus Bidik Dana Kampanye Parpol

Ahad , 14 Feb 2016, 01:56 WIB
ICW Sebut Luhut Lampaui Kewenangan Soal Revisi UU KPK

ICW asks Romli to clarify his allegation to ICW
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) asked Romli Atmasasmita to clarify the allegations related to the source of the funds received by this NGO. ICW hoped Romli would say that allegations were not true.Coordinator of Political Corruption Division of ICW, Donal Fariz, said Romli's allegations that ICW accept projects or funds from the state budget and Corruption Eradication...