Illegal drugs (illustration)

Drugs and online gaming: The real threat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Toni Ervianto*)As a strategic and pivotal country in Asia Pacific region, the rise and the greatness of Indonesia will be considered as a threat by other countries. So that they, both state actors and non-state actors, might want to do anything to destroy Indonesia, not by using a deadly military attack, but a step by step destruction...


Kamis , 19 May 2016, 20:17 WIB

Youths asked to avoid narcotics


Rabu , 11 May 2016, 20:17 WIB

Drug dealer imprisoned for 15 years in Surabaya

Khofifah Indar Parawansa

Jumat , 15 Apr 2016, 07:36 WIB

Minister: Drug addiction far worse than terrorism


Selasa , 22 Mar 2016, 20:35 WIB

Drug kingpin jailed for 15 years in OKI


Selasa , 26 Jan 2016, 14:26 WIB

Drug trader dies after swallowing methanphetamine

Saleh Partaonan Daulay

Senin , 25 Jan 2016, 15:37 WIB

Alert! Drugs everywhere


Four drug smugglers sentenced to death in Aceh

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Four men were sentenced to death by a district court in Banda Aceh on charge of being in possession of 78 kilograms of methamphetamine .The four Abdullah, Hamdani, Samsul Bahri, and Hasan Basri, charged with trying to smuggle the drug into Indonesia were nabbed by the National Anti Drug Agency (BNN) in February this year.The...


Kamis , 24 Sep 2015, 01:35 WIB

BNN investigator arrested for drug trafficking

Tito Karnavian

Selasa , 23 Jun 2015, 16:15 WIB

Police bust international drug ring


Rabu , 27 May 2015, 12:48 WIB

Customs authorities foil smuggling of drug