Kamis , 28 Sep 2017, 11:35 WIB
Referendum Kurdi, EgyptAir Bekukan Penerbangan ke Irak
Jumat , 16 Dec 2016, 19:49 WIB
Penyelidik Mesir: Sisa Bahan Peledak Ditemukan di Korban Egypt Air
Kamis , 16 Jun 2016, 05:20 WIB
Lokasi Utama Puing EgyptAir Diidentifikasi

Rabu , 08 Jun 2016, 17:03 WIB
Egyptian Airliner makes emergency landing in Uzbekistan after bomb threat

Rabu , 01 Jun 2016, 18:45 WIB
Airbus says Egyptair strengthens case for ejectable 'black boxes'

Senin , 23 May 2016, 21:52 WIB
Egypt sends robot submarine to help plane crash search

Ahad , 22 May 2016, 15:29 WIB
Egyptair crash premilitary report will take one month
Kamis , 19 May 2016, 15:09 WIB
Epyptair says flight from Paris to Cairo missing

Selasa , 19 Apr 2016, 18:58 WIB
Egypt to add flights to Jakarta

Kamis , 31 Mar 2016, 05:09 WIB
Pembajak EgyptAir Ingin Bertemu Istri dan Anak

Rabu , 30 Mar 2016, 19:27 WIB
Pria Inggris Nekat Selfie dengan Pembajak EgyptAir

Rabu , 30 Mar 2016, 10:44 WIB
Passangers of Egypt's hijacked plane arrive at Cairo airport
Egyptair passanger plane hijacked
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- An Egyptair domestic flight from Alexandria to Cairo was hijacked on Tuesday and landed in Cyprus, Egyptian officials said.The pilot of the plane was threatened by a passenger strapped with explosives, Egypt's Civil Aviation Ministry said.The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation reported that 55 passengers were on board and a crew of seven. The hijacking occurred in Cyprus's...
Kamis , 22 Jan 2015, 04:16 WIB
Tabrak Samudera Atlantik, Egyptair Jadi Penerbangan Berbahaya di Dunia

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 02:07 WIB
Maskapai Mesir Perbolehkan Pramugari Kenakan Jilbab

Ahad , 11 Nov 2012, 20:24 WIB