Activities in a batik workshop in Indramayu, West Java (illustration)

Sabtu , 26 May 2012, 23:40 WIB

Indonesia promotes batik in Japan

Zeitgeist, The Art Collections of Wiyu Wahono and Indra Leonardi at Art Gallery in Menteng, Jakarta, opens by May 15.

Ahad , 06 May 2012, 22:48 WIB

Zeitgeist, the spirit of time

Lombok handicrafts are on display in International Handicraft Trade Fair (Inacraft) 2012 in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta. The exhibition opens on April 25-29.

Kamis , 26 Apr 2012, 17:35 WIB

Indonesia opens the 14th Inacraft

Roasted coffee beans (illustration)

Selasa , 17 Apr 2012, 17:22 WIB

Wow! Aceh coffee joins international exhibition

 Symbiotic City is one of pictures to be exhibited in Now and When: Future Urban Spaces

Kamis , 05 Apr 2012, 22:22 WIB

Now and When: Future Urban Spaces