Senin , 15 Oct 2018, 19:50 WIB
People needs access of information from primary source: Noe

Senin , 15 Oct 2018, 19:18 WIB
KH Ma’ruf Amin clarifies his health condition

Kamis , 11 Oct 2018, 09:30 WIB
Jokowi urges students to actively combat fake news

Rabu , 25 Jul 2018, 07:45 WIB
Govt prepares ways to block distribution of negative content

Jumat , 25 May 2018, 16:36 WIB
I was once interrogated about PKI by an ulema: Jokowi

Senin , 21 May 2018, 19:09 WIB
I am not a PKI member: Jokowi

Selasa , 08 May 2018, 20:21 WIB
Minister calls to fight negative content on social media

Jumat , 04 May 2018, 19:04 WIB
Misuse of technology could trigger conflicts: Jusuf Kalla

Kamis , 19 Apr 2018, 21:31 WIB
Ustaz Abdul Somad asks people to not get provoked by hoax

Selasa , 20 Mar 2018, 16:04 WIB
No indication of fake eggs distribution: Task Force

Senin , 19 Mar 2018, 17:28 WIB
Tjahjo debunks false news on e-ID cards lost

Kamis , 15 Mar 2018, 06:03 WIB
Commission III criticizes National Police over MCA case

Fahri Hamzah, Fadli Zon are reported for retweeting Jawa Pos
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Cyber Indonesia reported the House of Representatives (DPR) deputy speakers Fahri Hamzah and Fadli Zon to Jakarta Police on Monday (March 12). Both of them allegedly spreaded hoax (fake news) through social media Twitter. Cyber Indonesia represented by Muhammad Rizki and accompanied by lawyer Muhammad Zakir Rasyidin filed the report on Monday (March 12). They said Fahri and...

Selasa , 06 Mar 2018, 19:10 WIB
Fake news cases to be handled fairly: Police

Selasa , 06 Mar 2018, 17:24 WIB
Jokowi urges police to not hesitate in dealing with MCA

Selasa , 06 Mar 2018, 16:20 WIB
3 real incidents ulema attack, 42 other cases hoax: Police

Selasa , 06 Mar 2018, 04:10 WIB
Hoaxes hurt democracy: Mahfud MD

Senin , 05 Mar 2018, 18:42 WIB
Muslim Cyber Army affiliates with Saracen group: Police

Senin , 05 Mar 2018, 18:03 WIB
Police say Muslim Cyber Army has political motive

Senin , 05 Mar 2018, 07:00 WIB
They are not Muslim Cyber Army: Ustaz Bachtiar Nasir

Senin , 05 Mar 2018, 05:10 WIB
Tjahjo supports police in handling hoax

Sabtu , 03 Mar 2018, 07:02 WIB
Muslim Cyber Army is a traitor: Wiranto

Jumat , 02 Mar 2018, 21:37 WIB
UI expert explains the phenomenon of Muslim cyber army

Jumat , 02 Mar 2018, 19:28 WIB
'Arrest of MCA members not to oppress Muslim community'

Jumat , 15 Dec 2017, 20:03 WIB
Social media helps build democracy in society: Ridwan Kamil

Sri Rahayu "Saracen" case file is complete: Police
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The case file of Sri Rahayu Ningsih as suspect of 'Saracen' was completed or P21. Saracen is a group that spread hate speech.Head Unit V Sub Directorate III Directorate of Cyber Criminal National Police Purnomo said that the investigators will immediately submit it to Attorney General. Therefore, one suspect of Saracen case can be immediately tried...

Senin , 28 Aug 2017, 22:57 WIB
Police trace Saracen users by analyzing financial transactions

Rabu , 11 Jan 2017, 00:56 WIB