Rabu , 15 Jun 2022, 09:35 WIB
5 Oleh-Oleh Yogyakarta yang Wajib Dibawa Pulang Setelah Liburan

Rabu , 15 Jun 2022, 09:25 WIB
5 Makanan Yang Wajib Dicoba di Jakarta

Selasa , 17 May 2022, 23:04 WIB
Strategi Optimasi GrabFood untuk Tingkatkan Profit

Sabtu , 06 Feb 2021, 07:26 WIB
Pengusaha Ini Jual Murah Restorannya Hanya Rp14 Ribu

Rabu , 20 Jul 2016, 23:16 WIB
YLKI: Food and drug supervisory body must be strengthened

Kamis , 23 Jun 2016, 21:29 WIB
Indonesia's food, beverage products penetrate African Market

Selasa , 21 Jun 2016, 22:27 WIB
BPOM urges public not to buy syrups wthout label

Senin , 20 Jun 2016, 21:12 WIB
BPK says food data marred with chronic faults

Selasa , 24 May 2016, 18:50 WIB
Pork rice issue, MUI says Muslim must ensure their food is lawful

Kamis , 12 May 2016, 23:13 WIB
Indonesian embassy promotes foods, beverages in US

Rabu , 17 Feb 2016, 18:37 WIB
US food company to open factory in Indonesia

Senin , 25 Jan 2016, 19:41 WIB
RI needs 1.2 million tons of rice to build stock

BPOM receives ISO 9001:2008 certificate
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Foods and Drugs Control Agency (BPOM) again received Certificate of Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2008. The certificate was given symbolically by Director of TUV SUD Indonesia, Eric Paulsen, to Head of BPOM, Roy Sparringa, in an event of 'exit meeting' Certification Audit of QMS ISO 9001:2008 in Jakarta.ISO 9001:2008 was awarded to 55 auditees, consisting...

Rabu , 08 Jul 2015, 18:47 WIB
WFP supports Indonesia in overcoming food security problems

Rabu , 08 Jul 2015, 18:17 WIB
Jakarta govt to trace suppliers of formaldehyde-tainted foor products

Rabu , 08 Jul 2015, 16:57 WIB
Minister Amran claims food production not decline in the dry season of 2015

Rabu , 08 Jul 2015, 16:52 WIB
Indonesian food security not decline

Ahad , 21 Jun 2015, 13:36 WIB
UN Agency: Nearly 1 million people face food insecurity risk in Nepal

Senin , 23 Feb 2015, 21:29 WIB
Bengkulu ready to become food commodities center

Sabtu , 07 Feb 2015, 20:47 WIB
Study: Chimpanzees capable of learning 'food' calling

Selasa , 03 Feb 2015, 14:33 WIB
PM: Syria keep food, electricity subsidies despite war

Jumat , 16 Jan 2015, 23:34 WIB
Jokowi says food self-sufficiency in three years

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 00:15 WIB
Jokowi focuses his program on infrastructure and food security

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 18:50 WIB
Jokowi: No more importing rice in 2018

Rabu , 17 Dec 2014, 06:27 WIB
McDonald's Japan rations fries due to... dispute!

VP: Sugar research institution needs revitalization
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked the Agriculture Ministry to revitalize the Indonesian Sugarcane Plantation Research Center (P3GI) to enable it to promote the living standard of sugarcane farmers. The center which was established in 1887 had not functioned as a modern sugar research institution, he said at the meeting hall of the Malang district administration in...

Sabtu , 15 Nov 2014, 16:45 WIB
President Jokowi reiterates his target to achieve food sufficiency in three years

Rabu , 05 Nov 2014, 21:51 WIB
President Jokowi targets to achieve food self- sufficiency in three years

Sabtu , 25 Oct 2014, 18:55 WIB
Expert: Food law strategic to achieve Jokowi's target on food sovereignty

Kamis , 16 Oct 2014, 16:33 WIB
Yoghurt, the New York's official state snack

Kamis , 09 Oct 2014, 23:34 WIB
Food sovereignty's policy as a key to achieve the Great Indonesia

Rabu , 01 Oct 2014, 17:57 WIB
World Bank: International food prices decline by 6 percent

Kamis , 25 Sep 2014, 16:59 WIB
Wow... Two international bodies award Indonesia for its success

Selasa , 23 Sep 2014, 23:51 WIB
Wow... Fidel Gastro, the Toronto's street food revolutionist, visits Jakarta

Jumat , 19 Sep 2014, 05:34 WIB