Kamis , 05 Jul 2018, 17:44 WIB
Buwas keeps 'secret weapon' to hit food cartel

Kamis , 26 Nov 2015, 08:02 WIB
Govt set to form national food security board

Kamis , 24 Sep 2015, 00:39 WIB
Food security in rural areas still low

Selasa , 09 Jun 2015, 15:10 WIB
BIN: Food security in focus of government attention

Senin , 20 Apr 2015, 20:31 WIB
Minister: All parties must oversee food security process

Sabtu , 14 Feb 2015, 22:20 WIB
Minister: Important for RI to achieve food self-sufficiency

Kamis , 12 Feb 2015, 16:04 WIB
Mendag: Swasembada Pangan Perlu Teknologi

Kamis , 12 Feb 2015, 15:22 WIB
Capai Swasembada Pangan, Bantuan ke Petani Harus Tepat

Kamis , 12 Feb 2015, 11:55 WIB
Kadin Minta Pemerintah tak Lagi Keluarkan Kebijakan Instan Soal Pangan

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 00:15 WIB
Jokowi focuses his program on infrastructure and food security

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 16:39 WIB
President: Indonesia must reduce its reliance on imported food

Sabtu , 25 Oct 2014, 18:55 WIB
Expert: Food law strategic to achieve Jokowi's target on food sovereignty

Indonesia, Australia agree to priority cooperation to create food security
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia and Australia have agreed to give priority to cooperating in creating secure supplies of red meat, according to the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The two neighboring countries reached agreement at their second meeting on Indonesia-Australia partnership on food security in the red meat and cattle sector recently, BKPM Deputy Chief for Promotion Affairs Himawan Hariyoga...

Senin , 09 Jun 2014, 19:53 WIB
MP: BPOM must speed up its work ahead of Ramadhan

Rabu , 28 May 2014, 13:50 WIB
Asia readies food security defenses against El Nino threat

Jumat , 16 May 2014, 00:58 WIB
APEC members strengthen cooperation to tackle new food security challenges

Senin , 10 Mar 2014, 17:46 WIB
UN warns food security a risk to Asia-Pacific

Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 20:29 WIB
Flood and LPG prices spark January inflation

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 19:20 WIB
Govt guarantees food supply and prices quite stable

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 07:46 WIB
Govt: No disruption on rice supplies to Jakarta

Selasa , 07 Jan 2014, 20:33 WIB
Over 350 in Japan sickened by tainted frozen food

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 19:55 WIB
Official: More cattle import in 2014

Selasa , 24 Dec 2013, 22:31 WIB
Govt to increase fertilizer subsidy by 18 trillion IDR

Kamis , 31 Oct 2013, 20:00 WIB
Indonesia must achieve food self-sufficiency: President

Senin , 30 Sep 2013, 16:40 WIB
MP: Indonesia in food crisis

Govt allows private company to import soybean
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ministry of Trade opens an opportunity to. private company to import soybean in order to stabilize prices. The measure aims to lower the soybean price in domestic market. According regulation No. 45/M-DAG/KEP/8/2013 issued on August 28, 2013, the import mechanism will use Registered Importer (IT) and Manufacturers Importer (IP). Companies other than Perum BuljñogiIí can also act...

Sabtu , 15 Jun 2013, 22:31 WIB
KADIN: Productivity of agricutural sector very low

Selasa , 02 Apr 2013, 22:24 WIB
Indonesia seeks to import rice from Myanmar
Sabtu , 16 Mar 2013, 23:39 WIB
FDA shuts a bakery for sugar in "sugar free" treats

Senin , 04 Mar 2013, 22:22 WIB
SBY and Merkel explore opportunities for cooperation

Kamis , 07 Feb 2013, 23:25 WIB
Nahdlatul Ulama to have Halal certification agency

Jumat , 18 Jan 2013, 21:18 WIB
Minister Rajasa: Floods can trigger inflation

Senin , 14 Jan 2013, 19:32 WIB
MP: Indonesia must reach food sovereignty in 2013

Rabu , 02 Jan 2013, 19:50 WIB
State budget 2013 unlikely support food diversification

Kamis , 27 Dec 2012, 20:15 WIB