Kamis , 20 Nov 2014, 17:39 WIB
Indonesian students protest againts fuel price hikes

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 21:15 WIB
Kadin optimistic about Jokowi's success

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 20:58 WIB
Lawmakers want President Jokowi to explain fuel price hike policy

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 14:39 WIB
President: Protest against fuel price hikes a normal recation

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 13:43 WIB
Fuel subsidy diversion in accordance with maritime logistics system

Rabu , 19 Nov 2014, 12:08 WIB
Minister ensures smooth implementation of fuel subsidy diversion

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 21:53 WIB
Police on high alert following fuel price hike announcement

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 21:29 WIB
PKS faction rejects fuel price hike

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 21:26 WIB
Transportation organizations to increase fares by 30 percent

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 21:24 WIB
Kadin: Subsidized fuel price hike will revive economic condition

Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 21:19 WIB
Analyst: Govt must divert fuel subsidy transparently
Selasa , 18 Nov 2014, 17:31 WIB
Govt to discuss on fixed subsidy plan

President Jokowi: Govt still studying plan to raise subsidized fuel price
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRISBANE -- President Joko Widodo said that no date had been set with regard to the implementation of the government's plan to raise the cost of subsidized oil. He told newsmen after meeting with Indonesian community members in Australia on Friday night that the government was still studying the development of the world crude price, as well as...

Rabu , 05 Nov 2014, 10:42 WIB
Jokowi to transfer fuel subsidy to productive sectors

Senin , 03 Nov 2014, 19:41 WIB
President Jokowi reveals no date for fuel price hike

Ahad , 24 Aug 2014, 03:37 WIB
Indonesia's president-elect eyes swift fuel hike to boost budget

Selasa , 02 Jul 2013, 23:00 WIB
World Bank: Indonesia's inflation can reach nine percent

Senin , 01 Jul 2013, 18:05 WIB
Fuel price hike has no impact in June inflation

Ahad , 23 Jun 2013, 15:27 WIB