Senin , 15 Aug 2022, 22:15 WIB
Melanjutkan Ekspansi, IUIGA Kembali Buka Toko Ritel di Gandaria

Rabu , 15 Jun 2022, 14:00 WIB
Tips Memilih Furnitur Rumah yang Tepat

Kamis , 24 Mar 2022, 10:35 WIB
Tips Memilih Furniture Minimalis Modern

Kamis , 13 Jan 2022, 16:13 WIB
Neraca Ekspor Jateng ke Singapura Tumbuh Positif

Rabu , 22 Dec 2021, 02:15 WIB
Tutup Akhir Tahun, IUIGA Membuka Gerai Keenam di Grand Indonesia

Rabu , 16 Dec 2020, 15:36 WIB
Bisnis Furnitur Tetap Eksis di Tengah Pandemi

Rabu , 08 Jul 2020, 14:58 WIB
In Picture: Furniture dari Akar Pohon dari Bantul Diekspor ke Belanda

Selasa , 17 Dec 2019, 15:56 WIB
Biar Tak Salah Pilih, Ini Tips Beli 'Furniture' yang Tepat dengan Hemat 'Budget'

Jumat , 02 Mar 2018, 02:13 WIB
Tahun Ini, Permintaan Furniture Diharapkan Naik 10 Persen

Ahad , 12 Mar 2017, 00:53 WIB
SVLK Dinilai Tingkatkan Daya Saing Furnitur Indonesia

Jumat , 11 Mar 2016, 16:41 WIB
Furniter design competition expected to spur innovation

Jumat , 11 Mar 2016, 16:23 WIB
Vice president opens ifex

Indonesian furniture export reaches Rp 4.87 trillion
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian furniture exports reached Rp 4.87 trillion in the second quarter of 2015. The value of exports had encouraged surplus of trade for furniture commodity.Based on a press release received by Republika from Ministry of Industry, on Wednesday (14/10), Indonesian furniture commodity exports reached 361.03 US dollars up to last June. Conversely, furniture imports stood at...

Selasa , 23 Sep 2014, 19:35 WIB
Indonesian classy furniture on high demand among the haves in China

Selasa , 23 Sep 2014, 17:19 WIB
Four House of Indonesia outlets to promote Indonesian products in China

Rabu , 17 Sep 2014, 18:20 WIB
Economic ministries targets 600 million USD at international furniture fair

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 12:47 WIB
Tarif TDL Naik, Ekspor Furnitur Rotan Cirebon Rontok

Kamis , 14 Aug 2014, 20:32 WIB
Furniture export expected to reach 2 billion USD this year

Selasa , 17 Jun 2014, 20:49 WIB
Bendahara PDI P Diminta Kembalikan Furniture Proyek Hambalang

Ahad , 18 May 2014, 08:39 WIB
Indonesian furniture companies seeking market in Russia

Rabu , 12 Mar 2014, 14:40 WIB
Wooden furniture's value to reach 5 billion USD

Selasa , 11 Mar 2014, 16:15 WIB
Ekonomi Industri : Potensi Indonesia Dalam Industri Olahan Rotan dan Kayu

Senin , 10 Mar 2014, 17:31 WIB
Furniture industry needs support to participate in AEC 2015

Senin , 21 Oct 2013, 17:26 WIB
Furniture exports targeted five billion USD

Senin , 26 Aug 2013, 21:01 WIB
Rovega Garap Pasar Indonesia

Pengusaha Sulit Naikkan Harga Jual Mebel
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JEPARA -- Pengusaha mebel dan ukir di Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, mengalami kesulitan untuk menaikkan harga jual produk mebel maupun ukir meskipun ongkos produksi meningkat menyusul kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM)."Hingga kini, pengusaha mebel belum berani menaikkan harga jual produk mebel karena berbagai alasan, meskipun kenaikan harga BBM sudah berlangsung sejak Sabtu (22/6)," kata Ketua Asosiasi Industri...

Jumat , 19 Oct 2012, 18:31 WIB
Raw rattan export ban triggers its smuggling to China

Jumat , 19 Oct 2012, 18:00 WIB
Rattan export expected to reach 230 million USD

Jumat , 28 Sep 2012, 19:20 WIB