
Indonesian furniture export reaches Rp 4.87 trillion

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian furniture exports reached Rp 4.87 trillion in the second quarter of 2015. The value of exports had encouraged surplus of trade for  furniture commodity.Based on a press release received by Republika from Ministry of Industry, on Wednesday (14/10), Indonesian furniture commodity exports reached 361.03 US dollars up to last June. Conversely, furniture imports stood at...

Satu set perabot kamar tidur buatan Jepara (ilustrasi)

Pengusaha Sulit Naikkan Harga Jual Mebel

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JEPARA -- Pengusaha mebel dan ukir di Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, mengalami kesulitan untuk menaikkan harga jual produk mebel maupun ukir meskipun ongkos produksi meningkat menyusul kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM)."Hingga kini, pengusaha mebel belum berani menaikkan harga jual produk mebel karena berbagai alasan, meskipun kenaikan harga BBM sudah berlangsung sejak Sabtu (22/6)," kata Ketua Asosiasi Industri...

Indonesia and Germany cooperate to develop Indonesia's rattan industry. (illustration)

Kamis , 21 Feb 2013, 21:45 WIB

Indonesia and Germany cooperate in ratan industry

One counter at Indonesia Furniture Show 2012 in Jakarta (illustration)

Selasa , 08 Jan 2013, 20:50 WIB

Furniture exports up 6.96 percent

Indonesian furniture is among commodities that attract Kuwaity businessmen. (illustration)

Rabu , 07 Nov 2012, 20:15 WIB

Rattan export jumps 40 percent