Selasa , 18 Sep 2018, 02:30 WIB
Fadli lauds KPU's decision to extend DPT correction period

Ahad , 16 Sep 2018, 18:00 WIB
KPU to announce results of permanent voters list

Ahad , 16 Sep 2018, 13:28 WIB
KPU to hold meeting on updated permanent voters list

Jumat , 14 Sep 2018, 14:33 WIB
House speaker urges KPU to deal with duplicate voters names

Kamis , 06 Sep 2018, 18:08 WIB
Tjahjo explains cause of duplication of voters data

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 17:19 WIB
Prabowo's camp rejects permanent voters list released by KPU

Kamis , 23 Aug 2018, 19:33 WIB
Jokowi appreciates Muhammadiyah advices

Sabtu , 18 Mar 2017, 09:17 WIB
General elections bill to be finalized in April

Senin , 03 Aug 2015, 06:14 WIB
Canadian PM calls general election for October 19

Jumat , 02 May 2014, 04:28 WIB
Ali persistently throws his support to Prabowo for the president

Ahad , 27 Apr 2014, 01:39 WIB
Yudhoyono wants to build positive political tradition

Kamis , 24 Apr 2014, 23:48 WIB
Jokowi`s running mate to be surprise

Jokowi: We must pick VP candidate carefully
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The presidential candidate for the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Joko Widodo (popular as Jokowi) stated that he must pick vice presidential candidate carefully because it concern the fate of the nation and state. "The decision must be made and calculated carefully as this is not only a matter of Jokowi, PDIP or Nasdem but it...

Sabtu , 19 Apr 2014, 23:18 WIB
Golkar Party's cadres allowed to be running mate of other parties' presidential candidates

Rabu , 16 Apr 2014, 23:15 WIB
Analyst: Yudhoyo key to Subianto's opportunity in presidential election

Senin , 14 Apr 2014, 21:57 WIB
PDIP tops election at Indonesian Embassy in Singapore

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 21:13 WIB
Survey: Jokowi`s running mate likely Kalla or Akbar

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 20:37 WIB
Analyst: Not ideology, but pragmatism becomes the base to build coalition

Sabtu , 12 Apr 2014, 23:14 WIB
Nasdem and PDIP build a coalition and agree on Jokowi's candidacy

Jumat , 11 Apr 2014, 21:41 WIB
Analyst: PDIP fails to boost Jokowi's popularity

Kamis , 10 Apr 2014, 23:59 WIB
Baswedan: Democratic Party to play significant role in new government

Kamis , 10 Apr 2014, 19:41 WIB
Indonesia's Islamic parties surprise with strong showing in election

Kamis , 10 Apr 2014, 17:11 WIB
PDIP 'fails', the party hunts for friends

Rabu , 09 Apr 2014, 23:59 WIB
Analyst: Golkar Party to use double track strategy in presidential elections

Rabu , 09 Apr 2014, 16:52 WIB
Early returns cast doubt on easy PDIP win

Rabu , 09 Apr 2014, 16:30 WIB
President: Get ready to have new national leadership

Rabu , 09 Apr 2014, 16:03 WIB
Papua to postpone vote casting in 35 subdistricts

President: No room to rig elections
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said it would be difficult for anyone to rig elections because all political parties monitoring them. He said that the current elections system and law were made by the House of Representatives (DPR) members came from different political background as well as the government. He believes all political parties aspirations and interests have...

Selasa , 01 Apr 2014, 00:53 WIB
PAN optimistic to build coalition with PDIP

Selasa , 01 Apr 2014, 00:21 WIB
Prabowo Subianto is absent during his campaign in Kendari

Senin , 31 Mar 2014, 23:51 WIB
CSIS: About 45 percent of voters still undecided

Senin , 31 Mar 2014, 23:29 WIB
Pros and cons over Jokowi`s presidential candidacy (3)

Senin , 31 Mar 2014, 23:26 WIB
Pros and cons over Jokowi`s presidential candidacy (2)

Senin , 31 Mar 2014, 23:21 WIB
Pros and cons over Jokowi`s presidential candidacy (1)

Jumat , 28 Mar 2014, 20:53 WIB
PKS and Golkar Party claim not affected by survey result

Jumat , 28 Mar 2014, 20:14 WIB
Jokowi: Being a president is not easy

Rabu , 26 Mar 2014, 20:53 WIB