Jumat , 26 Oct 2018, 12:41 WIB
Peru Susul Indonesia Rilis Data Pelacakan Kapal
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA -- Peru menyusul Indonesia merilis seluruh data pelacakan kapal nasional kepada publik melalui Global Fishing Watch (GFW). Momen ini bertepatan dengan konferensi tahunan Our Ocean V di...
Jumat , 23 Sep 2016, 02:01 WIB
Indonesia's fisheries ministry to share data with Google
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has cooperated with "Global Fishing Watch," sharing its data transparently in a program initiated by non-governmental organizations and Google."We have become one of the first participants to share our Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data," the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Susi Pudjiastuti said at a press conference held...