Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 06:37 WIB
Discrimination in handling cases triggers Muslims to distrust the police

Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 06:12 WIB
Habib Rizieq asks the govt to withdraw all of new banknotes

Selasa , 24 Jan 2017, 00:00 WIB
To his supporters, Habib Rizieq asks: Are you ready to defend the ulema?

Senin , 23 Jan 2017, 20:31 WIB
I was summoned for giving warning for the awakening of PKI: Habib Rizieq

Senin , 23 Jan 2017, 16:52 WIB
Criminalization of ulema repeats the memory of 1960: Taufiq Ismail

Sabtu , 21 Jan 2017, 00:12 WIB