Logo of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Seven State-Owned Enterprises to be Dissolved?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) under the leadership of Erick Thohir will make a big splash in visitors this year by disbanding a number of state-owned enterprises. Erick himself has from the beginning commissioned a member of Danareksa holding, PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) to examine a number of state-owned enterprises that are in a...

ID Survey

Hadapi 2023, ID Survey Perkuat Fungsi Operasi dan Strategic Holding

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) atau BKI sebagai induk Holding BUMN Jasa Survey atau ID Survey bersama seluruh anggota holding memperkuat fungsi operasi maupun fungsi strategic holding dan optimistis menghadapi tantangan 2023. Direktur Utama BKI Arisudono Soerono mengatakan, optimisme ini terbentuk berkat refleksi 2022 yang menunjukkan holding berhasil mencapai target Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dengan persentase 102,7...