Sabtu , 21 Jan 2017, 23:00 WIB
Indonesian foreign affairs minister delivers humanitarian aid to Myanmar

Jumat , 23 Dec 2016, 01:14 WIB
U.N. says Idlib could become the next Aleppo

Senin , 19 Dec 2016, 16:17 WIB
U.N. council to vote Monday on monitoring Aleppo evacuation

Jumat , 16 Dec 2016, 03:32 WIB
Second batch of rebels evacuate Syria's Aleppo

Jumat , 16 Dec 2016, 00:55 WIB
UN ready to help evacuees from war-torn East Aleppo

Kamis , 08 Dec 2016, 15:20 WIB
Indonesia to send food and blanket as humanitarian aid to Rohingya

Selasa , 25 Oct 2016, 18:17 WIB
UN aborts plan to evacuate patients from Allepo, blames all parties

Sabtu , 08 Oct 2016, 09:19 WIB
UN to make first aid delivery to Syirian refugees on Jordan border

Kamis , 11 Aug 2016, 16:25 WIB