Selasa , 19 Sep 2017, 04:17 WIB
PKS, PPP parties propose Galang island for Rohingya refugees

Jumat , 15 Sep 2017, 13:02 WIB
Indonesia's Hercules planes to arrive in Bangladesh on Friday

Kamis , 14 Sep 2017, 01:30 WIB
Trapped by land mines, Rohingya languish in no-man's land

Kamis , 14 Sep 2017, 01:10 WIB
Next week, we send more aid for Rohingya: Jokowi

Kamis , 14 Sep 2017, 01:00 WIB
Indonesia sends over 20 tons of food for Rohingya

Kamis , 14 Sep 2017, 00:30 WIB
Al Qaeda warns Myanmar of "punishment" over Rohingya

Rabu , 13 Sep 2017, 05:04 WIB
Marsudi stresses importance of 4+1 formula

Rabu , 13 Sep 2017, 04:01 WIB
EU to focus on providing humanitarian aid for Myanmar crisis

Rabu , 13 Sep 2017, 03:28 WIB
Indonesia needs to shelter Rohingya refugees: Nurhayati

Rabu , 13 Sep 2017, 00:45 WIB
Four helicopters to carry aid for Rohingyas in Bangladesh

Selasa , 12 Sep 2017, 21:24 WIB
Sweden, Britain seek UN meeting on worsening situation in Myanmar

Selasa , 12 Sep 2017, 21:08 WIB
Myanmar faces mounting pressure over Rohingya refugee exodus

Myanmar commits to open access for humanitarian aid: Marsudi
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Minister of Foregin Affairs Retno Marsudi said Myanmar has stated its commitment to enable humanitarian assistance to reach Rakhine State. Myanmar's willingness to open access to humanitarian aid arose after Indonesian and other ASEAN countries Foreign Affairs Ministry, Bangladesh, Australia, UK, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and United Nations High Commissioner...

Selasa , 05 Sep 2017, 19:26 WIB
ASEAN must play active role in solving Rohingya crisis

Selasa , 05 Sep 2017, 04:01 WIB
Retno Marsudi calls for de-escalation of conflict in Rakhine

Selasa , 05 Sep 2017, 00:03 WIB
Ridwan Kamil raises fund for Rohingya community

Senin , 04 Sep 2017, 22:01 WIB
Indonesia, ASEAN get access to provide humanitarian assistance in Rakhine

Senin , 04 Sep 2017, 21:23 WIB
Suu Kyi welcomes Indonesia's proposal to resolve Rohingya humanitarian crisis

Senin , 04 Sep 2017, 12:05 WIB