Jumat , 16 Oct 2015, 07:52 WIB
Serangga, Sumber Protein yang Lebih Bergizi?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Tahukah Anda bahwa jangkrik dan ulat, mengalahkan ayam dan steak sebagai sumber terbaik dari protein dan nutrisi?Sulit memang mendapatkan sumber gizi dari segigit serangga yang hidup di belakang...
Ahad , 25 Mar 2012, 23:21 WIB
Tomcat reaches Jakarta
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Head of Jakarta Marine and Agriculture Department, Ipih Ruyani, admitted that Tomcat had reached Jakarta. Yet, the officer of Jakarta Pest Organism Controller (POPT) said the number of the insects that could infect human skin was still normal. "The Tomcat population in Jakarta is still normal. Or I can say, the number is still low,” Ruyani said...
Jumat , 23 Mar 2012, 17:15 WIB
A Bogor man suffers of Tomcat attack
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - The attack of Tomcat (in Latin: Paederus...
Kamis , 22 Mar 2012, 22:53 WIB
The Health Ministry investigates Tomcat case
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Health and local Health...
Kamis , 22 Mar 2012, 22:36 WIB
Expert: Human might interfere tomcat habitat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - Recently, the residents in Surabaya, East Java...