Kamis , 13 Jun 2024, 08:20 WIB
BTS Ulang Tahun Ke-13 Hari Ini: Dari Debut Sederhana Hingga Jadi Bintang Dunia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Hari ini, Kamis (13/6/2024) menandai momen istimewa bagi BTS maupun penggemarnya yang disebut Army. Pada hari ini, grup K-pop ikonik tersebut merayakan ulang tahun ke-11 sejak...
Selasa , 22 Apr 2014, 06:03 WIB
In Picture: Republika's awards for five Agent of Change in 2013
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Republika awarded the title "Agent of Change" to five inspiring figure in "Agent of Change Awards 2013". The tittle were awarded during a ceremony on Monday, April 21, 2014. Those five figures are national football coach U-19, Indra Sjafri; pioneer of Garbage Clinical Insurance, Gamal Albinsaid; a actor who popularizes pencak silat, Iko Uwais; conceptor of math...