Rabu , 11 Oct 2017, 19:01 WIB
Hundreds of suspected IS militants surrender in Iraq

Rabu , 11 Oct 2017, 18:48 WIB
Iraqi PM predicts full defeat of IS in Iraq in 2017

Senin , 17 Jul 2017, 19:00 WIB
Iraq denies intention to military intervene in Syria to fight IS

Jumat , 30 Jun 2017, 15:00 WIB
UN are deeply concerned about safety of civilians in Mosul city

Jumat , 23 Jun 2017, 14:53 WIB
Over 5 million children need humanitarian aid in Iraq: UNICEF

Selasa , 06 Jun 2017, 19:02 WIB
100,000 children are trapped behind IS lines in Mosul

Jumat , 26 May 2017, 15:35 WIB
Iraqi forces urge civilians to leave homes in IS-held neighborhoods

Selasa , 11 Apr 2017, 23:34 WIB
UN Agency says Iraq urgently needs help to avoid "hunger crisis"

Sabtu , 11 Mar 2017, 23:49 WIB
Iraq says no evidence of chemical weapons attacks in Mosul

Rabu , 04 Jan 2017, 18:16 WIB
No Indonesian casualties among victims of Baghdad bombing

Rabu , 26 Oct 2016, 00:05 WIB
Torn by civil war, Iraqis surprisingly the world's most generous to strangers

Selasa , 02 Aug 2016, 21:13 WIB
Children in Iraq at risk of death, seax abuse, traffickers

In Picture: Pasukan Irak Bersiap Menyerbu Kota Fallujah
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, IRAQ -- Pasukan militer Irak bersiap melakukan penyerbuan ke basis ISIS di Kota Fallujah, Senin...

Ahad , 01 May 2016, 23:29 WIB
Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets

Kamis , 31 Mar 2016, 23:33 WIB
Iraqi PM names new cabinet to fight corruption

Selasa , 01 Mar 2016, 09:37 WIB
17 killed, 41 wounded in suicide bombing in Diyala

Jumat , 05 Feb 2016, 03:47 WIB
Iraq building security wall around Baghdad

Selasa , 02 Feb 2016, 18:13 WIB
Greece arrest man with Iraqi passport stolen by ISIS

Rabu , 20 Jan 2016, 16:04 WIB
Kurds destroyed 'thousands' of Arab homes in Iraq

Rabu , 30 Dec 2015, 22:47 WIB
Iraq, Syria, and France as deadliest countries for journalist

Selasa , 29 Dec 2015, 21:35 WIB
Iraqi army needs Kurd's help to retake Mosul

Ahad , 20 Dec 2015, 19:35 WIB
Iraq probes coalition strike that killed 10 soldiers

Ahad , 13 Dec 2015, 23:46 WIB
Iraqi fighters protest Turkish troop presence

Kamis , 10 Dec 2015, 06:32 WIB
Turkey urges citizens to leave Iraq, excluding Iraqi Kurdistan

Senin , 30 Nov 2015, 20:26 WIB
Iraqi PM says country has sufficient forces to fight ISIS

Iraqi forces free major oil refinery in Salahudin province
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BAGHDAD -- Iraqi security forces on Wednesday liberated the country's largest oil refinery from the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) militants near the town of Baiji in Iraq's northern central province of Salahudin, a provincial security source told Xinhua.The troops and allied Shiite and Sunni paramilitary units, known as Hashd Shaabi, drove out the IS militants from the vast oil...

Ahad , 30 Aug 2015, 16:16 WIB
24 killed in bomb attacks, clashes with ISIS in Anbar

Kamis , 20 Aug 2015, 11:21 WIB
20 killed in blast, clashes with ISIS militans in Iraq

Selasa , 11 Aug 2015, 15:00 WIB
Iraqi Deputy PM resigns, faces corruption investigation

Ahad , 02 Aug 2015, 16:00 WIB
Iraq's Kurdistan condemns Turkish bombing in N Iraq

Ahad , 26 Jul 2015, 12:56 WIB
At least 8 killed, 40 wounded in bomb attacks in Iraq

Rabu , 15 Jul 2015, 21:45 WIB
Car bomb kills at least 5 in Iraq town of Khalis

Selasa , 14 Jul 2015, 20:32 WIB
Iran starts $2.3 billion pipeline project to export gas to Iraq

Senin , 13 Jul 2015, 23:33 WIB
Britain's Cameron to focus defence spending more on militant risk

Senin , 13 Jul 2015, 23:00 WIB