Kamis , 21 Dec 2023, 16:42 WIB
Does Fiqh for Female Compatible for Transgender ?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A man changes his genitals to a female (transgender), then does the female fiqh apply to him? For example, it is mandatory to cover the hair,...
Kamis , 21 Dec 2023, 15:34 WIB
What Should a Muslim Hijab Be Formed?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A Muslim woman is required to always wear clothing that can cover her aura. However, when it comes to wearing a hijab, some argue that the hijab should be a cape or should not use upper or lower cut clothing. What is the shape of the Muslim hijab according to the teachings of Islam? In his...
Kamis , 07 Dec 2023, 18:56 WIB
Can Marriage Be Secret in Islam?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Generally, Muslims are encouraged to inform...