Senin , 19 Feb 2018, 21:32 WIB
Special team to be deployed to E Java, W Java, Yogyakarta
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police has instructed regional polices to solve the cases of assault to religious leaders. In addition, National Police to provide technical support by sending special...
Senin , 19 Feb 2018, 19:53 WIB
House speaker condemns attack to Kiai Hakam Mubarok
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The cases of attack to religious leader figures have caught House of Representatives speaker Bambang Soesatyo's attention. He condemned the newest case experienced by Kiai Hakam Mubarok, the leader of Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Karangasem Paciran in Lamongan, East Java. Kiai Hakam was attacked by a man who alleged has mental illness at al Manar Mosque ahead...
Senin , 19 Feb 2018, 19:43 WIB
Mentally ill man attacks Kiai Hakam Mubarak
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- KH Hakam Mubarak, son of KH...
Ahad , 18 Feb 2018, 20:15 WIB
Penyerangan Kiai Mubarak, Mu'ti: Terstruktur dan Sistematis
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sekjen Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu'ti,...