Kamis , 12 Oct 2023, 18:25 WIB
Salman Rushdie akan Rilis Memoar tentang Serangan yang Menyebabkannya Buta
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- Novelis Amerika-Inggris, Salman Rushdie menerbitkan sebuah memoar yang mengungkap serangan tragis yang mengakibatkan dirinya buta di mata kanan dan tangan kirinya terluka. Memoar berjudul Knife:...
Selasa , 03 Feb 2015, 19:33 WIB
Police: Florida man tried to circumcise his nephew with kitchen knife
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Larry Leroy Floyd, 24, was babysitting at his sister's house on Saturday when he used a knife to try to slice off his nephew's foreskin, the Orlando Sentinel reported.The boy's father returned from a shopping trip to find his son bloodied and crying. He called 911, but by the time officers arrived, he had already taken...