Rabu , 27 Jun 2018, 19:00 WIB
Basarnas deploys trawls to find MV Sinar Bangun victims

Rabu , 27 Jun 2018, 17:11 WIB
Police continues to search victims of MV Sinar Bangun

Rabu , 27 Jun 2018, 02:11 WIB
103 Simalungun residents were passengers of sunken ship

Selasa , 26 Jun 2018, 18:10 WIB
Three helicopters deployed to search MV Sinar Bangun

Selasa , 26 Jun 2018, 17:31 WIB
Basarnas not sure object detected by sonar is Sinar Bangun

Senin , 25 Jun 2018, 21:30 WIB
Jokowi states 5 messages for ship victims' families: Marham

Senin , 25 Jun 2018, 17:48 WIB
Transportation Minister expects sunken ship found soon

Senin , 25 Jun 2018, 01:58 WIB
Scan sonar detects object beneath Lake Toba

Senin , 25 Jun 2018, 01:28 WIB
SAR utilizes sonar devices to detect sunken ship victims

Ahad , 24 Jun 2018, 12:47 WIB
Govt establishes ad-hoc team to investigate Toba tragedy
Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 20:30 WIB
Minister inspects construction of ship for Lake Toba

Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 17:30 WIB
Navy operates sonar scanner to investigate Lake Toba tragedy

Lake Toba's depth hinders rescue efforts
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SIMALUNGUN -- The depth of Lake Toba is hindering rescue efforts to search for the victims of MV Sinar Bangun boat that sank in the area of Simalungun District on Monday. Depth of the water at the location where the MV Sinar Bangun ship sank is estimated to reach 460 meters, while the tools are only able to...

Rabu , 20 Jun 2018, 00:49 WIB
Ministry forms teams to handle Lake Toba shipwreck incident

Selasa , 19 Jun 2018, 07:11 WIB
Transportation ministry to send investigation team to Toba

Selasa , 19 Jun 2018, 06:57 WIB
14 passengers found safe after boat capsized in Samosir

Ahad , 29 Oct 2017, 00:59 WIB
Silangit airport is officially serving international flights

Senin , 22 Aug 2016, 15:30 WIB
President Jokowi and First Lady enjoy Lake Toba

Selasa , 01 Mar 2016, 12:34 WIB
President leaves for N Sumatra to visit Lake Toba

Rabu , 03 Feb 2016, 16:14 WIB
Government to make Lake Toba more beautiful

Jumat , 16 Oct 2015, 02:15 WIB
Basarnas deploys helicopter to search missing chopper's passangers

Sabtu , 06 Sep 2014, 12:43 WIB
Lake Toba Festival 2014 to be held on Sept 17-21

Ahad , 28 Jul 2013, 00:05 WIB