Kamis , 31 Mar 2016, 22:07 WIB
Rizal Ramli: President needs solid team
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo needs a solid team to benefit from the momentum of the current improvement in the world's economy, a senior minister said here Thursday."So...
Sabtu , 20 Jun 2015, 16:43 WIB
10 women officially register as KPK's leaders candidates
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Selection Committee Team (Pansel) of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Destry Damayanti said 10 women have been officially registered as leadership candidates of KPK. They came from the activists, private employees, advocates (lawyers), auditors and academics."Until now there are 10 women who send the registration file to us. The complete data are not recapitulated...
Jumat , 17 Oct 2014, 01:28 WIB
Kuasa Hukum Bupati Tapteng, Sesalkan Pernyataan Bambang Widjojanto
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --Tim Kuasa Hukum Bupati Tapanuli Tengah (Tapteng)...
Senin , 14 Jul 2014, 21:31 WIB
PDIP Sebar 64 'Lawyer' ke Daerah Potensi Kecurangan Pilpres
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – PDI Perjuangan mengirim 64 pengacara ke...