Selasa , 15 Dec 2015, 14:36 WIB
Sudah 12 Korban Jiwa Longboat Tenggelam Ditemukan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- Tim pencarian korban perahu panjang (longboat) yang tenggelam setelah menabrak balok kayu di Sungai Kubu, Ahad (13/12) sudah menemukan 12 korban meninggal. Kini tinggal dua korban...
Selasa , 16 Sep 2014, 11:15 WIB
Seven passangers of longboat still missing in Maluku
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TERNATE -- Seven passengers of ill fated longboat that capsized on Sunday in the sea off Sanana island in the regency of Sula Islands , North Maluku, were still missing.Sula police chief Adj. Sr Comr Hadi Wiyono said a rescue team using 8 speedboats is still searching for the missing passengers in locations near the place where the...
Senin , 18 Jun 2012, 06:35 WIB
Polisi Amankan Nakhoda dan ABK Longboat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- Polres Bulungan, Polda Kalimantan Timur, ...