Ahad , 04 Oct 2015, 16:08 WIB
Helicopter and Raider Battalion deployed to find Aviastar aircraft

Sabtu , 03 Oct 2015, 01:51 WIB
BPBD and Basarnas prepare search team for Aviastar aircraft

Sabtu , 03 Oct 2015, 01:50 WIB
Aviastar aircraft Masamba-Makassar route has lost contact

Jumat , 28 Aug 2015, 05:17 WIB
Three Trigana Air victims were identified

Rabu , 26 Aug 2015, 02:34 WIB
DVI team identifies more bodies of Trigana Air victims

Ahad , 23 Aug 2015, 12:47 WIB
Police identify 12 victims of Trigana Air crash

Kamis , 20 Aug 2015, 20:01 WIB
Basarnas chief announces award for air crash SAR team

Kamis , 20 Aug 2015, 16:25 WIB
All bodies of Trigana crash victims arrive at Bhayangkara hospital

Rabu , 19 Aug 2015, 12:35 WIB
Minister appreciates plane crash victim evacuation team

Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 23:00 WIB
Goverment asked to audit commercial and cargo aircraft

Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 22:33 WIB
Rescue team found Trigana aircraft’s black box

Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 22:31 WIB
All Trigana Air bodies of victims were found

Trigana accident, ATR 42 not old aircraft
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Trigana aircraft type ATR 42 was not an old type of aircraft. This aircraft was made in 1988, but was PT Trigana Air Service in 2005."It's a great aircraft, firstly flew in 2005," said the former Minister of Transportation, Jusman Syafii Djamal to ROL, Monday (17/8) night.At that time, there were 329 units of ATR 42...

Senin , 17 Aug 2015, 14:42 WIB
Missing aircraft allegedly hit Tangok mountain

Senin , 17 Aug 2015, 13:50 WIB
President offers condolences over missing Trigana plane

Ahad , 16 Aug 2015, 19:07 WIB