Sabtu , 18 Feb 2017, 02:36 WIB
Jelang Aksi 'Today I am a Muslim too', Sean Stone Mewawancarai Imam Shamsi

Jumat , 10 Feb 2017, 21:23 WIB
U.S. appellate court rules against President's travel ban

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 08:03 WIB
Indonesian consulate holds discussion on Trump's immigration policy

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 01:15 WIB
Texas Muslims decry Trump policies at Capitol rally in Austin

Rabu , 01 Feb 2017, 00:00 WIB
Trump's immigrant policy to increase mistrust against Muslims: Jusuf Kalla

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 19:30 WIB
Amid Trump immigration row, France doubles visas for Iranians in 2017

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 18:10 WIB
Wahdah Islamiyah regrets Jokowi reactions on Trump's immigration policy

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 07:00 WIB
US Ambassador to Indonesia says visa ban focuses on promoting border security

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 04:41 WIB
Trump's immigrant policy complicates dialogue between Islam and West: House

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 01:00 WIB
Trump's policy feared to trigger anti Islam in the United States

Senin , 30 Jan 2017, 22:55 WIB
European Union odds with Trump's administration over "Muslim Ban"

Senin , 30 Jan 2017, 20:12 WIB
Green card holders are allowed to re-enter US as immigration ban eased: Trump

French disagrees with Trump's policy on refugee
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIS -- Consideration for the plight of refugees is a duty, and fear of terrorism is not a legitimate reason to refuse them sanctuary, the French foreign minister said on Sunday. Jean-Marc Ayrault's statement came after U.S. President Donald Trump signed an order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. "Accepting refugees is a...

Senin , 30 Jan 2017, 00:43 WIB