Ahad , 05 Aug 2012, 23:20 WIB
SBY: We are not silent over Rohingyas

Ahad , 05 Aug 2012, 23:12 WIB
ICRC: Indonesia must urge Myanmar to recognize Rohingya

Ahad , 05 Aug 2012, 01:07 WIB
Kalla to visit Myanmar to discuss Rohingya issue

Sabtu , 04 Aug 2012, 01:00 WIB
House to visit Myanmar and Bangladesh

Jumat , 03 Aug 2012, 21:30 WIB
A Muslim scholar concerns over Suu Kyi silence on Rohingya case

Rabu , 01 Aug 2012, 23:40 WIB
Indonesian interfaith leaders stand up for Rohingya muslims

Rabu , 01 Aug 2012, 21:44 WIB
Islamic organizations to march for Rohingya
Selasa , 31 Jul 2012, 22:55 WIB
Rohingya refugees: Don't send us back!

Selasa , 31 Jul 2012, 22:30 WIB
FM: Indonesia ready to shelter Rohingyas

Selasa , 31 Jul 2012, 21:45 WIB
Rohingyas send gratitude to Indonesia

Ahad , 29 Jul 2012, 22:00 WIB
Komnas HAM to send letter to ASEAN Commission of Human Rights

Sabtu , 28 Jul 2012, 23:38 WIB
Kalla calls on Myanmar to stop discrimination against Rohingya

Protesters padlocks ASEAN Secretariat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Protesters padlocked the gate of ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta on Friday after the ASEAN representatives refused to meet them. The protesters demanded the ASEAN to stop violence on Rohingya in Myanmar. "Without concrete action, then ASEAN is better to be locked," the spokesman of the protestors said. About five protestors tried to chain and padlock the gate of...