Sabtu , 29 Sep 2012, 22:11 WIB
Indonesian FM urges the world evaluate their relations with Israel
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - Palestinian Freedom Committee calls for the international community to ban all products from Israel. While Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa, in his capacity as...
Senin , 06 Aug 2012, 23:20 WIB
House concerns over Israel's attitude towards GNB Ministers
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Chairman of Commission I in House of Representatives, Mahfudz Siddiq, said Israel was not willing to solve the problems with Palestine as Israel barred several ministers of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), including Indonesia's Marty Natalegawa, to Ramallah. Israel barred ministers from Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cuba and Algeria from travelling to Ramallah. The ban was targeted to five...