Kamis , 12 Apr 2018, 19:20 WIB
PKS and PAN surely to support Prabowo: Observer

Kamis , 12 Apr 2018, 07:03 WIB
PAN to decide support to Prabowo after Rakernas: Zulkifli

Rabu , 11 Apr 2018, 19:18 WIB
Prabowo to declare presidential candidacy in Banyumas

Senin , 17 Mar 2014, 18:56 WIB
Hatta Rajasa welcomes Jokowi's nomination

Senin , 11 Feb 2013, 21:48 WIB
Analyst: PAN unlikely to reach ten percent in election

Senin , 14 Jan 2013, 19:15 WIB
Nasional Mandate Party no longer Islamist party
Senin , 09 Apr 2012, 18:24 WIB
Amien Rais: SBY would not dare to remove PKS

Ahad , 08 Apr 2012, 22:14 WIB