Selasa , 19 Apr 2016, 09:03 WIB
Navy arrests ship allegedly used for drugs transaction in Riau

Senin , 29 Feb 2016, 23:19 WIB
Eastern fleet command ready to secure Indonesia-Malaysia sea border

Kamis , 18 Feb 2016, 18:55 WIB
Indonesian Navy supports world peace mission

Selasa , 26 Jan 2016, 20:11 WIB
Indonesian navy hosts Western Pacific Naval Symposium

Kamis , 10 Dec 2015, 15:34 WIB
Indonesia monitoring its territory bordering South China Sea

Senin , 07 Dec 2015, 23:16 WIB
Indonesian navy commemorates Indonesias Fleet Day

Sabtu , 29 Aug 2015, 23:57 WIB
Navy steps up security patrols for Sail Tomini

Sabtu , 15 Aug 2015, 22:17 WIB
Indonesian Navy to sink 12 foreign ships

Kamis , 23 Jul 2015, 18:18 WIB
Atraksi Pesawat Ini Hebohkan Wisatawan di Pantai Florida

Rabu , 17 Jun 2015, 01:33 WIB
Indonesian military assists search for Malaysian tanker

Sabtu , 07 Mar 2015, 07:50 WIB
Navy nabs gang of ship robbers in Malacca strait

Sabtu , 10 Jan 2015, 20:06 WIB
Navy, other agencies, to aid Bakamla's efforts againts illegal fishing

Indonesian naval aircraft detects hundreds illegal fishers
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Naval aircraft Boeing 737 AI-7302 detected hundreds vessels conducting illegal fishing in Aru Sea on Monday. The aircraft was flown in a mission called Sayap Maleo 2014 which targeted illegal fishers in Merauke-Arafuru Sea. Head of Information Department at Indonesian Navy, Hadi Tjahjanto, said that the Coordinating Minister of Maritime had suspected that the illegal vessels fished within...

Senin , 01 Dec 2014, 17:49 WIB
Navy ready to carry on duty to sink illegal ship entering indonesia waters

Senin , 17 Nov 2014, 20:06 WIB
Navy chief: Expel foreign military ship entering Indonesia

Sabtu , 13 Sep 2014, 11:35 WIB
Two US Navy jets crash in western Pacific

Ahad , 09 Mar 2014, 22:31 WIB
Indonesian Navy joins search for missing Malaysian Plane

Sabtu , 15 Feb 2014, 13:15 WIB
Indonesian maritime boundary sign disapears in Riau

Senin , 10 Feb 2014, 22:04 WIB
Indonesia to perform at Singapore Air Show, despite the cancelled invitation

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 08:15 WIB
US navy probes cheating by nuclear reactor instructors

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 06:21 WIB
Navy halt treasure raider ship in Riau Islands

Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 08:14 WIB
Australia installs permanent radar on Christmas Island near Indonesia

Sabtu , 16 Nov 2013, 02:13 WIB
Indonesia's Navy prepares Marine Corps division in Sorong

Senin , 02 Sep 2013, 20:13 WIB
Navy plans to buy 10 Russian submarines

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 20:43 WIB
President installs new navy, air force chiefs

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 18:50 WIB
Ukraine eyes Indonesian arms market

US warship makes stop in Bali
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SELAT BADUNG - The United States warship, USS Green Bay (LPD-20), is making a four-day stop here as part of its sailing mission in the South East Asian region. Earlier, the ship visited Hawaii and Timor Leste. "We are here from Thursday to Sunday (October 18-21) after visiting Hawaii and Timor Leste," the ship`s field commander, Lt. Robinson, told the...
Senin , 18 Jun 2012, 20:15 WIB
Another Indonesia-China cooperation... now in defense

Rabu , 30 May 2012, 21:00 WIB
Indonesian-US navies conduct joint exercise
Selasa , 31 May 2011, 17:08 WIB