Senin , 15 Feb 2016, 19:51 WIB
Luhut: Pemerintah tidak Pernah Tunduk Tekanan Asing Soal LGBT

Senin , 15 Feb 2016, 18:10 WIB
JK Sebut Aliran Dana LGBT dari NGO

Senin , 08 Feb 2016, 10:47 WIB
NGO Ini Dorong UU HAM Lindungi Vegetarian

Rabu , 20 Jan 2016, 18:00 WIB
NGO founder invited to WEF

Rabu , 09 Sep 2015, 21:38 WIB
NGO: Govt fails to meet haze-free commitment

Senin , 01 Jun 2015, 16:30 WIB
Govt urged to support China-ASEAN P-to-P dialog

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 15:38 WIB
NGO: Discourse to reduce working hours for women inappropriate

Selasa , 16 Sep 2014, 11:24 WIB
Association criticizes govt for allowing foreign NGO in Indonesia

Ahad , 27 Jul 2014, 19:00 WIB
Humanitarian NGOs warn of water shortage in Syria

Rabu , 23 Jul 2014, 15:33 WIB
NGOs urge Jokowi to reveal his would-be cabinet members

Senin , 30 Sep 2013, 18:54 WIB
APKI: NGO Lebih 'Bersahabat' dengan Tambang Ketimbang Kertas

Selasa , 09 Jul 2013, 00:53 WIB
Some NGOs involved in money laundering

Israel raids Palestinians NGO offices in Ramallah
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RAMALLAH - Israeli soldiers raided the offices of three civil society organizations on Tuesday in the heart of Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Entering before dawn, troops wrenched open the doors of the Women's Union, the Palestinian NGO Network and Addameer, an advocate for Palestinians in Israeli jails, confiscating five computers from the...

Senin , 19 Mar 2012, 20:05 WIB
Foreign NGO must explain the funding sources
Senin , 19 Mar 2012, 16:39 WIB